Open House / Open Discussion : March 18th

Stoney Girl Gardens is holding an (2 hr)
open house session Wednesday March 18, 2015

This is a social gathering of likeminded individuals to meet and greet, discuss topics of common interest and goals or just simply introduce yourself and meet some new friends.

March 18, 2015 (Wednesday) 4:20pm – 6:30pm

Clackamas Professional Plaza
9123 SE St. Hellens St.
Suite 255
Clackamas, OR 97015

Open to the public (adults only)

Click hear to see the full article..

Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!

We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.