Lab Results and Testimonial

Customer Testimonials with Lab Results

A Word from our Patients

We test our work continually in labs around the country and in our own gardens.  Posting our own results from our lab results may seem bias.  Therefore we have decided to post the testing results obtained from our users whom have cracked seeds and brought the plants through harvest. These tests were done without our influence and with the product grown by the local farmer from our seed.  We did not solicit this information from the patients.

We hear from our customers all the time.  Many wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. Some like to share.

If you have a great story to tell us, please send it to and we will publish it with your permission.  Don’t forget to include a photo.


Pit Bull seeds grown by a first time grower and submitted to MTA.

Certification of Medical Cannabis by MI Labs – Instant Testing

We thought you might be interested to see what the labs are doing in Michigan. These tests can be performed onsite and in almost real time.

Pit Bull Certification of Medical Cannabis

From  MTA, Michigan and our friends at The Med Joint MI

Performed December 30, 2011

Bacteria, Chemical, Potency Analysis

Pharmacological Effects Analysis

Check out the terpinoids, flavinoids, and cannabinoids in parts per billion and how it is graphed to conditions.

Also see Pit Bulls’ unique Chemical Signature drafted by it’s genome, environment and farming practices.

Download the Results: PDF Results

Pit Bull has set some new records by being 2 points above known standards.  Wait till you see our Marion Berry later this month!

This lab is doing some interesting research in many areas.  One of the studies includes finding the peak fruitation point of harvest (the chemistry combined with effects vs. time of harvest), thus showing the science behind our “when is it time to harvest” claims. Another study includes profiling additional components and their interaction with patient effects and strain differentiation.  Additionally they are profiling farm techniques to analysis of finished products again showing that genetics is 50% and environment is 50%. They are also showing effects of different available farm products on our crops.

They are currently working with WIN State in a NIDA project utilizing our strain research which they will announce once the project is well completed.

The equipment as they describe it is a sniffer that reads in parts per trillion and performs the test in under 90 seconds. It is used by the DEA, FBI and Home Land Security.  It is also used by the Agriculture department to test crops. I believe the name of the equipment is Zenos, but don’t quote me. The machine is manufactured in CA. You may call the lab direct at 1-855-751-2500 with any questions.

Download the Test Results in PDF



Our strains and methods are the subject of many labs in California. From soil testing labs under shallow bed indoor development to specialized, purposed strain development, to testing of flowers, there is much work going on. Look for us to post many more results in this area.

One of the finest labs we have heard of is Halent.  If you are in California then look them up.

Test Results from Oregon Pinot Noir



We are fortunate in Oregon to have the emergence of 3 testing centers. The following info is from Sunrise and submitted by our associates from their own gardens.

RE:  Results for samples received on 4/15/11.
Crippled Sugar Sugar
Sample Name: Rhino Leaf Cripit Leaf RSO Oil
Lab ID: 11D004-01 11D004-03 11D004-02 11D004-03dup 11D004-04
Water (% moisture) 4.1% 4.4% 4.0% 4.4% NA
delta-9-THC 22.3% 18.8% 21.4% 19.7% 56.0%
Cannabidiol (CBD) 2.2% 1.9% 1.8% 1.8% 6.8%
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.8%
Analysis by GC/MS (Mod 8270)
delta-9-THC 223 188 214 197 560
Cannabidiol (CBD) 22.3 18.8 17.6 17.7 67.8
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 7.6
*Cannabichromene (CBC) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9
*Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 2.0
*Cannabigerol (CBG) 25 12 19 14 39
Surrogate % Recovery: 114% 112% 117% 119% 124%
Extraction Date: 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11
Analysis Date: 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11 4/15/11
 & 4/16/11  & 4/16/11  & 4/16/11  & 4/16/11
NOTES:  Samples 11D004-01, 02, and 03 had virtually identical chromatograms, with sample 01 having a 
higher concentration of some compounds.  
Test Results for Wrex Sugar Leaf and Sugar Plum Seed Plant
RE:  Results for sample received on 5/31/11.
Sample Name: Wrex Scrub  Sugar Plum
Lab ID: 11E011-01 11E011-02
Water (% moisture) 4.8% 12.2%
delta-9-THC 19.2% 21.9%
Cannabidiol (CBD) 1.1% 0.6%
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.0% 0.0%
Analysis by GC/MS (Mod 8270)
delta-9-THC 192 219
Cannabidiol (CBD) 11 5.7
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.4 0.3
*Cannabichromene (CBC) ND ND
*Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) 0.6 0.4
*Cannabigerol (CBG) 5.8 68
Surrogate % Recovery: 104% 107%
Extraction Date: 5/31/11 5/31/11
Analysis Date: 5/31/11 5/31/11
& 6/1/11 & 6/1/11
NOTES:  Sample 11E011-02 (Sugar Plum) contained large amounts of CBG.
RE:  Results for sample received on 4/28/11.
Sample Name: Pitbull
Lab ID: 11D011-01
Water (% moisture) 3.4%
delta-9-THC 23.2%
Cannabidiol (CBD) 0.9%
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.1%
Analysis by GC/MS (Mod 8270)
delta-9-THC 232
Cannabidiol (CBD) 8.8
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.8
*Cannabichromene (CBC) ND
*Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) 1.2
*Cannabigerol (CBG) 11
Surrogate % Recovery: 125%
Extraction Date: 4/28/11
Analysis Date: 4/28/11
 & 4/29/11



Tacoma, WA tests performed in-house by a local collective on Berkeley.  They were quire impressed as their testing had never shown anything over 17%.  Please keep in mind that there is no standard in MJ testing and that test results may vary from lab to lab on the same test subject. The variances are due to the lack of base standards and testing methods. The methodology used, and expertise of the technician all play a role.


2014 Outdoor Crop Test Results









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We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.