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Grandmas Recipe for Billy Butter

Grandmas Recipe for Billy Butter From Stoney Girl Gardens Overview The following recipe is one we have used for years and was passed on to us by grandma.  As such we have passed it on to all our friends with great success.  This is a three step process which begins with rinsing the leaves.  The … Continue reading Help & How To

How to Select a Marijuana Plant

Ultimately the plant you select will be the one of personal taste and effect.  But there are many other considerations before making a selection that could turn out to be a big waste of time and a lot of frustration. Don’t be fooled by colors and beautiful photography. Its taste and potency you’re after. Ask … Continue reading Help & How To

When to Harvest Marijuana

SG Philosophy We believe it is time to harvest when the hairs have reached about a 40% color switch.  What I mean here is that when about a little less than half of the white hairs have turned some other color (yellow, pink, red, blue, brown) then it is time to pick the plant.  An … Continue reading Help & How To

Medical Marijuana News

There have been many studies that show that marijuana kills certain kinds of cancer. But even if it doesn’t, the fact that it helps patients eat better and sleep better is very important: eating and sleeping are important components of the healing process. It’s always good to start with studies that governments have commissioned, so … Continue reading Help & How To

Organic Gardening

The following is taken from ATTRA. For more information click HERE. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) By George Kuepper and Katherine Adam NCAT Agriculture Specialists February 2002 Introduction Various forms of seedling and potting media are used in the production of field transplants, in the growing of container plants, and in greenhouse crop … Continue reading Help & How To


Important Pesticide and Mite Update We are an organic resource. Like the organic section of the supermarket, we are willing to have less than the largest, most eye-pleasing product in lieu of quality and health. We believe that our medicine is a food crop and should be treated as such. Since we smoke or eat … Continue reading Help & How To

Seed and Cutting Catalog

Seed and Cutting Catalog **2021 Catalog Now Live!** (PDF) 2021 Brings genetics… Old and New, From Far and Wide!  Long awaited crosses of some of our Classic Strains and much more! -=-=- 2015 Catalog Now Available (PDF) 2015 Catalog Now Available Don’t miss this one.  We have several new strains we are introducing like Marion … Continue reading Help & How To


Stoney Girl Gardens has all of our strains certified by M-Scale, a third party organization founded to classify and clarify Medical Marijuana.  Here is our list of current ratings.                             Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam! We are proud to say we have … Continue reading Help & How To

Resources & Links

Talk to Stoney Girl: Stoney Girl Gardens Willamette Valley NORML New Videos Sunny Girl Gardens Catalog   Recommended Reading for Advanced Learning   Growers Blog – Things I have to say by The Grower Please support the following Authors. Buy their book. The Joys of an Herb Garden at Home; v.3 by  Legal Lie Zitt … Continue reading Help & How To

Strain Affect Quick Reference Guide

  What Strain Do I Need? A Word from our Patients The following guide shows you which of our strains works best for certain conditions.  Want to know which one removes your head ache?  Need to get rid of the pain in your back?  Want to get relief from nausea?  You will find it here in our … Continue reading Help & How To

Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!

We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.