Stoney Girl Gardens hosts Portlandsterdam

In November 2014 the state of Oregon became the third state in the US to legalize marijuana. When measure 91 comes into effect on July 1, 2015 all state residents that are 21 or older will be able to plant 4 marijuana plants at their home. Most people don’t know where to begin, that is where we would like to help!

“We are here to enable individuals and to encourage innovation for the responsible cannabis industry” – Michael Mullins, Lead instructor at Portlandsterdam.

Stoney Girl Gardens hosts Portlandsterdam every other weekend in Clackamas Oregon. This two day course will teach you the basics of the marijuana industry including indoor and outdoor organic gardening, hash making, cannabis oil making, cooking with cannabis, organic pest control, cloning, breeding, starting a dispensary, beginning a collective garden, marijuana law and SO MUCH MORE!

Portlandsterdam is open to the public and is affordable for the average individual. You can attend all courses or you can pick and choose the ones you would like to attend based off you’re individual need. Each course is 25 dollars and a weekend pass is 250 dollars. Students will be provided with an online link to the course materials so you can review and refresh the knowledge you gained at home for years to come.

Stoney Girl Gardens has been featured in Big Book of Buds 4 and Ed Rosenthal’s Marijuana Growers Handbook, Skunk Magazine, High times, VICE and HBO. They specialize in an organic growing method that only uses a soil amendment mix and water. They will teach you to grow using their method which will yield your harvest in just 9 weeks from start to finish.

Don’t waste your time and money with failure, start with success as you prepare to enter this new and booming industry.  Visit to register for classes today.

Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!

We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.