Why MOVE to Colorado when you can simply just VISIT us in Oregon?
Are you looking for the best Organic Cannabis Oils to treat Cancer or Seizures?
Trying to find the best strains and right treatment and dosage?
Looking for someone who has the experience, knowledge and proper medicine to help guide you?
Before making that life changing decision to uproot and move to Colorado consider visiting us in Happy Valley, Oregon. You don’t have to move or live here to become an Oregon Medical Marijuana Patient. In fact, you can TAKE YOUR MEDICINE HOME. That’s right, you can fly into Portland, Oregon, see our doctors to get your card, drive over to our office in Happy Valley where we will design a treatment and supply you with your medicine, and fly home all in a single day!
It really is that easy and there are a lot more reasons you need to meet us:
Lowest Cost
Highest Quality
See more at www.gro4me.com/oil-info.htm
or call 503-788-2349
We are pioneers in the Cannabis Industry with over 45 years of experience.
We focus on research and development of medical strains.
We are 100% Organic; from our production through extraction we only use fully organic methods and products.
We only use our strains.
Our strains are the strongest on EARTH and created exclusively for medical use.
We are considered one of the top breeders in the world and Internationally recognized as well as appear in many references and publications.
We create the strains, grow them and produce the extract.
OK, all that aside we provide our extract oils at cost so you can afford them. To get an mmj license in Oregon you must assign an Oregon resident as your grower. We use our patients’ numbers to produce medicine for patients. Your medicine will be grown under strict regulation and in the name of the previous patient. Then your actual count will go to the next patient. This allows us to have medicine ready and waiting for you when you get here and keeps the cost low.
It can take up to 4 months to grow plants to maturity even if you can. Here there is no waiting to grow your plants because we are already in production with our previous patients who got their medicine from a previous patients’ allowance of plants. And, there is no waiting to process the plants into oil.
Your treatment plan and medicine will be ready when you get here.
The results are fast. We have seen results in hours and days, not months and years. When you’re dealing with aggressive disease, you need immediate results. Cannabis works in unison with your existing treatments with no known side effects or adverse reactions. In fact, cannabis has been used for centuries by drug companies to mix with other medications for its delivery values. At minimum cannabis will improve your comfort and pain levels and allow your body to help to heal itself.
See more at www.gro4me.com/oil-info.htm
or call 503-788-2349
*Anyone can get an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card
Regardless of What State You Live In!
If you have a legitimate qualifying condition under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program you can become an Oregon patient card holder regardless of what state you live in.
To become an Oregon patient all you need is a qualifying condition and a signed application through one of our clinics. You must also assign an Oregon resident as your grower This will be one of our growers. You do not need to be an Oregon resident yourself. You must have photo ID that includes your birth date or SS number.
We recommend Portland Alternative as the clinic and doctor to use. They can help you with the process. Please feel free to call them and let them know we sent you. There are other clinics here such as THCF so if you are familiar with them then go ahead and give them a call.
Here is the contact info for Portland Alterative:
Portland Alternative Clinic, Inc. 816 NW Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97209
Phone: (503) 477-5643 Fax: 503-200-1147
Email: staff@portlandalternativeclinic.com
If you need a grower you can assign us as the grower. We would be happy to use your numbers for our development work here in Oregon. Just give us a call at 503-788-2349 and we can get you the details for your form.
All of this can be accomplished in a single day. First pre-arrange the appointments and fax your info to the clinic. Fly in and see the Doctor. Sign and submit your forms. The cost is usually $250 for the State and $175 for the Clinic (plus the cost of airfare and expenses). Now you are ready to visit with us and enjoy our genetics first hand. You can be back at the airport and on your way home the same day.
We do encourage you to take some extra time to view our area and culture.
Call Today at 503-788-2349
Video Instructions and Information on Making the Oil
Video Notes: The video shows Cannatonic bud. Oil made in this video proved to be less than effective due to the strain we used. Normally we use our own exclusive strains as they are much more effective. You do not have to use flowers. You can use leaf, trim, etc, however your return may be less and the concentration may not be quite as high, however it does work. The oil we made that saved Mykayla’s life was made from our exclusive strains. We use multiple strains, not just one. The Strains you use make the difference in the speed of effectiveness.
For More Information See The Links Below:
Dosing and Treatment Information
Download Our New Patient User Manual Here
New! Breaking News…We have found a way to make our oil water soluble and highly raised the bar of bioavailability: Budwig Protocol – Make your oil 100x stronger and faster. Recommended for aggressive, late stage or cases where regular treatment is not working. See More Here
Get your medicine in Oregon – Now Accepting Patients
Our philosophy on THC, CBD and the Science of Application
Cannabis Inflorecence – Standards of Identity, Analysis and Control
Video Instructions on Making the Oil
Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!
We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.