How To Make

Video Instructions and Information

Video Notes:  The video shows us using donated bud. The strains you use to make your oil make a difference in your medicine.  Although this strain is said to have outstanding qualities, Mykayla had to switch back to our strains a few days after trying this oil. She went from one gram to 8 grams without getting relief. – *Please note that we generally use our own exclusive strains as they are often much more effective* – You do not have to use flowers.  You can use leaf, trim, etc, although your return may be less and the concentration may not be quite as high, but it absolutely does work.

For More Information See The Links Below:

Oil Information

What Makes Our Oil

Recommendations for Beginners

Dosing and Treatment Information

Suppository Information

Download Our New Patient User Manual Here

New! Breaking News…We have found a way to make our oil water soluble and highly raised the bar of bioavailability:  Budwig Protocol – Make your oil 100x stronger and faster. Recommended for aggressive, late stage or cases where regular treatment is not working. See More Here

Brave Mykayla Info on SGG

Video Instructions on Making the Oil

HBO VICE Show – Stoned Kids

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