Stoney Girl Gardens has been considered controversial due to our teachings. Now there is Scientific Proof.
Announcing AHP Cannabis Inflorescence
Standards of Identity, Analysis, and Quality Control
It’s like they came to our classes! Finally scientifically valid information is published to back up our many controversial teachings. Our classes will be using this monograph as a reference guide and you are encouraged to order your copy today. As stated in the legal notification of the monograph “The following Standards of Identity, Analysis, and Quality Control of Cannabis are intended to provide scientifically valid methods for the analysis of cannabis and its preparations that can be used to comply with state and federal regulations and policies.”
Cannabis Inflorescence
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia
Standards of Identity, Analysis, and Quality Control
ISBN: 1-929425-33-3 ISSN: 1538-0297
Portlandsterdam University is proud to announce we have been officially approved to utilize the AHP Cannabis Inflorescence monograph as a reference and Required Course Material for our teaching program.
Roy Upton RH, DAyu, Executive Director of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia wrote “Pleasure to meet you. Yes we would be happy to work with you in using the monograph as part of your teaching program.
We sincerely appreciate the interest and are happy the monograph may serve a greater purpose in education.”
Starting in April 2014 all Portlandsterdam University students will be provided a copy of this reference material as a guide for classes. Cost of the monograph will be included in tuition.
Video Instructions and Information on Making the Oil
Video Notes: The video shows Cannatonic bud. Oil made in this video proved to be less than effective due to the strain we used. Normally we use our own exclusive strains as they are much more effective. You do not have to use flowers. You can use leaf, trim, etc, however your return may be less and the concentration may not be quite as high, however it does work. The oil we made that saved Mykayla’s life was made from our exclusive strains. We use multiple strains, not just one. The Strains you use make the difference in the speed of effectiveness.
For More Information See The Links Below:
Dosing and Treatment Information
New! Breaking News…We have found a way to make our oil water soluble and highly raised the bar of bioavailability: Budwig Protocol – Make your oil 100x stronger and faster. Recommended for aggressive, late stage or cases where regular treatment is not working. See More Here
Get your medicine in Oregon – Now Accepting Patients
Our philosophy on THC, CBD and the Science of Application
Cannabis Inflorecence – Standards of Identity, Analysis and Control
Video Instructions on Making the Oil
Learn How To Make This Oil
Your Place for Higher Education
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Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!
We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.