Oral Dose

Making your daily ORAL dose

Cannabis Dosing Developed by Stoney Girl Gardens

Note that this procedure may likely cause psychoactive effects and is very fast and strong.

Caution: Prepare Your Medicine for Dosing – this protocol can escalate the potency and effect of cannabis by several hundred percent. Please use caution in preparing your dose according to our recommendations below. Always dilute the cannabis oil with flax oil before mixing into the recipe. When the recipe calls for cannabis oil, USE THE DILUTED MIXTURE FOR THE CANNABIS OIL. DO NOT USE RAW CANNABIS OIL.

Before You Begin – Prepare Your Proper Dose by Diluting the Cannabis Oil Extract as recommended.

What You Will Need:

  • 1 gram Cannabis Oil Extract Dilution Mix
  • 3 tablespoons Flaxseed Oil (non-lignin)
  • 1 tablespoon Liquid Lecithin
  • 6 tablespoons Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Immersion Hand Blender
  • 10 cc Oral Syringe for measuring

Step 1: Add Flaxseed Oil (3 Tablespoons)

In a clean mixing container add three tablespoons of flaxseed oil.


Step 2: Add Cannabis/Flaxseed oil (1 gram)

Add one gram (1ml) of the 20:1 dilution that you prepared for dosing.


Step 3: Add Lecithin (1 Tablespoon)

Add one tablespoon of liquid lecithin and mix.


Step 4: Rifridgerate Mix for 12-24 hours

Make sure that all oil mixtures are refrigerated and marinated for twelve to twenty four hours before you add the low fat cottage cheese.

All Cannabis Oil, Flaxseed Oil and Lecithin Mixtures MUST BE REFRIGERATED.

Do not freeze any oil mixtures. There are no exceptions to this.

Do not use granular lecithin. Granular lecithin does not dissolve easily. Use liquid or powder lecithin instead.

Step 5: Add Cottage Cheese (6 Heaping Tablespoons)

Add six heaping tablespoons of Low Fat Cottage Cheese. Blend with a hand immersion blender until it is smooth and creamy like Yogurt.

Allow to set for 5 minutes before consumption. Consume entire mix.




You may want to flavor your “yogurt” with strawberries blueberries or bananas. Follow this protocol once daily. Be cautious that you may begin to feel effects within minutes.

Final Steps

The final step to The Cannabis Budwig mixture is that you can thin it out with water orfresh carrot apple juice, so you can either drink it, or have an easier time swallowing it.

Thinning out The Cannabis Budwig mix with four to eight ounces of fresh carrot apple juice, from an electric juicer, will greatly improve the taste and allow you to easily drink it. (Courtesy of Meredyth Martin)

Drink or eat all of it.

For sublingual usage, allow the Cannabis Budwig mixture to stay under the tongue while you slowly eat or drink the mixture. This will also greatly increase bioavailability. (Courtesy of Maritza Beltre)

If you didn’t get high on the first diluted dose on The Cannabis Budwig Protocol, then keep adding diluted Cannabis Oil until you reach your threshold.

As your tolerance builds, add more grams of diluted Cannabis Oil to the Cannabis Budwig mix until you reach your threshold.

As you add more diluted Cannabis Oil to the Budwig mix, you will have to add more low fat cottage cheese to maintain the ratio so that all the cannabis flaxseed oil becomes completely water soluble.

As your tolerance continues to build, you may need to add straight non diluted Cannabis Oil to The Cannabis Budwig mix. Make sure that all oil mixtures are refrigerated.

On The Cannabis Budwig Protocol, some people can work up to a gram or more of straight Cannabis Oil added to The Cannabis Budwig mix.

Initial indications are that the fusion of the Budwig Protocol with Cannabis has the potential to have far greater reach and surprisingly faster and stronger effects than cannabis alone. There is such a dramatic magnification noticed that it makes this procedure so vital to study and to provide more accurate recommendations. In addition, patient comfort and safety must be recognized along with the therapeutic advancements. In dealing with disease time and effect are the elements. This developing process may have breakthrough results as we have never seen.

What you should know: You may find that you need to reduce dosage on a regular basis as each day the dosage will feel stronger. Also note that this may amplify other prescriptions medications you are using. Keep aware of any side effects of other medications and reduce as needed.

Please follow Dosing Directions carefully. Always start with low doses and work up.

Severe overdose includes nausea, vomiting, and sleep.

Please use caution and follow recommendations.

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