August West is what I got when I put a Berkeley Blues male to my Crippled Rhino female. Tastes a lot like mama, but the stone is Berkeley-style speed-weed. This is definitely great morning bud because it is very motivational and tends to stimulate the creative process. I named this for my favorite band.
- Strain Name: August West
- Description: This is definitely great morning bud because it is very motivational and tends to stimulate the creative process.
- Category: Sativa
- Days of Flowering:
- Yield: 3-5 ounces
- Potency (THC): 28%
- Mature Height: 3-6 feet
- Type of high: Upper, speed weed
- Plant Type: Indoor/Outdoor:
- Taste/Smell:
- Mother: Crippled Rhino
- Father: Berkeley Blues
Background Information:
Tastes a lot like mama, but the stone is Berkeley-style speed-weed. I named this after my favorite band.
Medical Information:
Audience: End of Life Cachexia Chemotherapy Effects
- Appetite Cancer Circulation
- Glaucoma Severe Nausea Cystic Fibrosis
- PTSD Severe Pain Depression
- Head Pain Hyper-Activity HIV/AIDS
- Stress Rx Co/Side-Effects Multiple Sclerosis
Affects: Strong Effects Antiemetic/nausea Active Mind
- Appetite Extended Duration Lucid
- Motivating Pain Relief Awakening
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