Berkeley Blues

Berkeley Blues BerkelyBlues Mscale

Berkeley Blues is a cross between Berkeley and pure traditional Blueberry from DJ Shorts. It was everything I could have hoped for. Deep blue stems no matter where you grow this beauty. She is very much faster than Blueberry with a lot more sugar. The traditional Blueberry flavor comes through, however and the stone is outstanding. Over 5lbs outdoors, this breed stores well for long periods. A favorite with medical patients. Very bushy plant with fewer than most leaves. Berkeley Blues is a fast finisher in just over 35 days of bloom.

  • Strain Name: Berkeley Blues
  • Description: As Featured in Ed Rosenthal’s Marijuana Growers Handbook 2010, Skunk Magazine 2011 Berkeley Blues is a cross between Berkeley and pure traditional Blueberry from DJ Shorts. It was everything I could have hoped for. Deep blue stems no matter where you grow this beauty. She is very much faster than Blueberry with a lot more sugar. The traditional Blueberry flavor comes through, however and the stone is outstanding. Over 5lbs outdoors, this breed stores well for long periods. A favorite with medical patients. Very bushy plant with fewer than most leaves. Berkeley Blues is a fast finisher in just over 35 days of bloom.
  • Category:  80% Sativa, 20% Indica
  • Days of Flowering: 30
  • Yield: 3-5 oz indoors, 6-9 lbs outdoors
  • Potency (THC): 28%
  • Mature Height: 3-6 feet indoors, 8-12 feet outdoors
  • Plant Type: Tall bush with thick canopy on all sides
  • Indoor/Outdoor: Yes/Yes
  • Type of high: Intense and satisfying. Great for daytime use
  • Taste: Tastes like Fresh Blue Berry Muffins right out of the oven. Very potent and effective. Stores well. Grows great outdoors.
  • SMELL/TASTE: Hot Blueberry Muffins Right Out of the Oven!
  • Mother: Berkeley
  • Father: D.J. Shorts Blueberry circa 1998

Background Information: Hot Blueberry Muffins Right Out of Grandmas’ Oven.  That’s the unmistakable taste you will get with Berkeley Blues. If your blueberry doesn’t taste like blueberries then perhaps you should switch to the one and only from circa 1998.

This is one that turned Ed Rosenthal’s head and one of his favorites. Berkeley Blues is very potent and effective, stores well, and grows great indoor and outdoor.

Medical Information

A morning medicine that is great for waking and heavy pain. Effects will last 4-5 hours. It is very good for breaking up mucus and cleaning out lungs. Very Light flavor with very strong effects.  Berkeley Blues is excellent for obtaining focus, waking up, being active, and gaining an appetite. This medication works well for removing pain and nausea. Also it works great for use in the morning time and or after chemo.

Audience: End of Life Cochexia Chemotherapy Effects

  • Appetite Cancer Circulation
  • Glaucoma Severe Nausea Cystic Fibrosis
  • PTSD Severe Pain Depression
  • Head Pain Rx Co/Side-Effects HIV/AIDS

Affects: Strong Effects Antiemetic/nausea Active Mind

  • Appetite Extended Duration Euphoric
  • Positive Sensual Social
  • Sweet Taste Sexual Aroma

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