Oregon Medical Marijuana Program

*Anyone can get an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card – Regardless of What State You Live In!

If you have a legitimate qualifying condition under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program you can become an Oregon patient card holder regardless of what state you live in.

Hello and thank you for your interest in working with us.

There are 2 ways to work with us. The first is to become an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card Holder. The other way is to host Stoney Girl Gardens and Portlandsterdam University in your area.

To become an Oregon patient all you need is a qualifying condition and a signed application through one of our clinics. You must also assign an Oregon resident as your grower. You do not need to be an Oregon resident yourself. You must have photo ID that includes your birth date or SS number.

We recommend Portland Alternative as the clinic and doctor to use. They can help you with the process. Please feel free to call them and let them know we sent you. There are other clinics here such as THCF so if you are familiar with them then go ahead and give them a call.

Here is the contact info for Portland Alterative:

Portland Alternative


If you need a grower you can assign us as the grower. We would be happy to use your numbers for our development work here in Oregon. Just give us a call at 503-788-2349 and we can get you the details for your form.

All of this can be accomplished in a single day. First pre-arrange the appointments and fax your info to the clinic. Fly in and see the Doctor. Sign and submit your forms. The cost is usually $200 for the State and $175 for the Clinic (plus the cost of airfare and expenses). Now you are ready to visit with us and enjoy our genetics first hand. You can be back at the airport and on your way home the same day.

We do encourage you to take some extra time to view our area and culture.

For More Information See The Links Below:

Oil Information

What Makes Our Oil

Recommendations for Beginners

Dosing and Treatment Information

Suppository Information

Get your medicine in Oregon – Now Accepting Patients

Our philosophy on THC, CBD and the Science of Application

Cannabis Inflorecence – Standards of Identity, Analysis and Control

Brave Mykayla Info on SGG

Video Instructions on Making the Oil

HBO VICE Show – Stoned Kids


Attend Cannabis Classes at Portlandsterdam!

We are proud to say we have 100% success with our students going home and being successful. In depth selection of seminars and training from industry professionals. Classes are held on weekends; visit the web site to register.