Lesson 17 – All Purpose Starter Fluid
Starter fluid is an all purpose leaf and plant fluid that you can use on any plant at any stage (other than the bloom cycle). You can use it for starts, vegetation, booster shots, or yellowing and sick plants. You cant over use it so there is no burn. It is safe to spray on cuttings and tender starts as much as you like. When trying to save a weak start I will spray once an hour. There is no burn and it will bring a stick back to life. It will aid the green cycle as much as an inch a day if you use it on a regular basis by spraying the leafs.
Here is a video on how to make your own starter juice. We use this for cuttings, seeds and leaf feeding.
This concentrate is available at Sunny Girl Gardens.com
Starter Fluid Video
Go To Next Lesson : Cuttings and Starts
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